
This document is an attempt at a user guide for version 2.6 of the Metasploit Framework, its goal is to provide a basic overview of what the Framework is, how it works, and what you can do with it. As with most open-source projects, correct documentation takes back seat to actual development. If you would like to contribute to the project and have strong technical writing skills, please contact the developers at msfdev[at]

The Metasploit Framework is a complete environment for writing, testing, and using exploit code. This environment provides a solid platform for penetration-testing, shellcode development, and vulnerability research. The majority of the Framework is composed of object-oriented Perl code, with optional components written in C, assembler, and Python.

The Framework development team is made up of four full-time members and a handful of part-time contributors. Please refer to the Credits exploit module for a complete listing of the people involved in the project. If you have contributed to the project and do not see your name listed there, please let us know.